Parent and Citizens Association (P&C)
The Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) serves as a vital platform for fostering dialogue and soliciting input from parents to enhance the school's operations and environment. Through active parent representation, we facilitate discussions and initiatives aimed at improving various aspects of the school experience.
In addition to our role as a forum for parental involvement, the P&C oversees the following sub-committees, the Auxiliary, Band, Strings, and Uniform Shop. These sub-committees play integral roles in supporting different facets of school life, from extracurricular activities to ensuring students have access to necessary supplies and services. Epping West's P&C prides itself on being a dynamic and proactive group, dedicated to contributing significantly to the school's overall improvement.
One of the primary ways in which the P&C contributes is through financial support, with annual contributions ranging from $80,000 to $100,000. These funds, which are raised via parents’ annual voluntary contributions and P&C fundraising activities, are allocated strategically, in collaboration with the Principal and staff, to address specific needs and enhance the educational experience for all students. Whether it's funding for educational resources, facility upgrades, or extracurricular programs, our aim is always to directly benefit the children and enrich their learning environment.
The P&C meets twice a term at 7.30pm at the school to discuss ongoing initiatives, address concerns, and plan future endeavours. All parents are welcome to join the P&C by payment of a $1 fee and to attend P&C meetings or volunteer in one of the sub-committees.
All upcoming meetings are advertised in the school newsletter.
Term 2: Monday, 13 May 2024 and Monday 24 June 2024
Term 3: Monday, 5 August 2024 and Monday 16 September 2024
Term 4, Monday 21 October 2024 and Monday 18 November 2024
The Executive Committee for the current year are as follows:
President - Chin Chan
Vice President 1 - Oliva Mak
Vice President 2 – Shaminie Chandra
Secretary - Fiona McKenzie
Treasurer - Wilson Chu
Executive member - Neetha Nayak
Executive member – Amy Hu
Executive member – Patricia Ma
Executive member – Becky Huang
Executive member – Min Ong
Executive member - Eric Yeo
The P&C has also elected Lawrence Zhang as its representative to the School Council for the current year.
With the support and involvement of dedicated parent volunteers, we look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts to enhance the educational journey of every student at Epping West.
To contact the P&C, please email

The Auxiliary is a sub-committee of Epping West’s Parents & Citizens Association (P&C), and its role is to organise events that foster a stronger Epping West community and enrich the school experience for all students and their families. These events also help to raise money, which goes directly toward paying for extra educational facilities. In the past, these have included library books, school gardens, first aid, computer equipment, literacy texts and training, playground equipment, lunch seats, gardening works, outfitting the servery, and the new school oval. Without the ongoing help and support of our parents and children, Epping West would not be able to provide or maintain such a range of facilities.
The Auxiliary is made up of a team of dedicated Epping West parent volunteers. Without their support, we would not be able to organise fun activities enjoyed by all the students. Any parent, grandparent, or carer can volunteer to help. Some roles ask for regular time, while others are one-off. The types of opportunities we have include baking and sausage sizzles on polling days, selling cupcakes to students, running a snack store at the Athletics Carnival, acting as marshals for the Walkathon, and supervising children at the school disco. All skills, backgrounds, and languages spoken are welcomed. Getting involved is a great way to forge connections, discover more about the school, and contribute to its community.
You can join our regular meetings or keep an eye out in the weekly school newsletter for details of our activities and requests for help. Our upcoming Auxiliary meetings have been scheduled for Monday, 8 April; Monday, 6 May; and Monday, 17 June 2024. All meetings start at 9:10 am and will be held in S block (ground floor classroom).
If you would like to get in touch, email